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Learn How a Dallas Technology Company Achieved FISMA Compliance Efficiently and Cost-Effectively

Arlington Security Portal

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In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity, compliance with the growing onslaught of federal regulations is incredibly important, especially for companies that work closely with government agencies. For a leading software technology company in Dallas, Texas, ensuring compliance with the Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) was a top priority. The Dallas based company chose to work with Arlington, a proven and trusted name in cybersecurity. With our years of expertise in federal compliance reporting, we stepped in to provide tailored FISMA policies and procedures writing services, ultimately helping the Dallas-based firm achieve FISMA compliance and enhance its cybersecurity posture.

Understanding the Challenge

The Dallas software technology company faced the complex challenges and tasks of aligning its cybersecurity practices with the rigorous requirements of FISMA, which govern the information security standards for federal agencies and their contractors. FISMA compliance involves a comprehensive framework of policies, procedures, and security controls that must be implemented and maintained - and based on NIST 800-53 - to safeguard sensitive government data. Realizing the complexity of this endeavor, the company sought a cybersecurity partner with a deep understanding of FISMA regulations - and NIST 800-53 - and the expertise to guide them through the compliance journey.

Arlington's Tailored Solutions

Arlington, well-known for its industry-leading FISMA policies and procedures writing services, and our world-class Arlington Security Portal (ASP), was the perfect fit for the Dallas-based software technology firm. Arlington's team of cybersecurity experts leveraged their in-depth knowledge of FISMA regulations to develop all required customized policies and procedures that precisely met the company's unique needs and aligned with the latest FISMA requirements. This tailored approach ensured that the policies were not only compliant but also practical and effective in enhancing the company's cybersecurity posture.

Streamlined Implementation

Arlington didn't stop at just delivering the FISMA policies and procedures, we also developed all required programs and plans, and we helped implement the actual controls. Our seasoned team of experts provided guidance and support throughout the implementation process, helping the company seamlessly integrate these policies into its existing cybersecurity framework. This proactive approach not only accelerated the compliance timeline, but also ensured that the company's cybersecurity practices were robust and aligned with industry best practices.

Results and Benefits

With Arlington's assistance, the Dallas software technology company successfully achieved FISMA compliance, opening new doors to government contracts and partnerships. The tailored policies and procedures provided by Arlington at the Arlington Security Portal (ASP) not only satisfied regulatory requirements but also bolstered the company's overall security measures.

By providing tailored FISMA policies and procedures and offering comprehensive support, Arlington empowered the company to not only meet regulatory standards but also enhance its cybersecurity resilience. For companies looking to embark on a similar compliance journey, Arlington's expertise and personalized approach make them a trusted partner in achieving FISMA compliance and elevating cybersecurity practices to new heights.