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DoD Cloud Security

Salesforce Government Cloud Plus

Salesforce Government Cloud Plus

Comprehensive Salesforce Government Cloud consulting, advisory, and implementation services for DoD contractors having to comply with the Department of Defense (DoD) Cloud Computing (CC) Security Requirements Guide (SRG).

Arlington Security Portal

Get Access to 100 + NIST RMF security and privacy policies & procedures, programs, and plan templates.

Salesforce Government Cloud Department of Defense (DoD) Cloud Computing (CC) Security Requirements Guide (SRG) Consulting and Advisory

Arlington provides comprehensive Salesforce Government Cloud consulting, advisory, and implementation services for DoD contractors having to comply with the Department of Defense (DoD) Cloud Computing (CC) Security Requirements Guide (SRG). Per a DoD memorandum put forth in December, 2014, “...For more sensitive DoD unclassified data or missions…[the] DoD has developed cloud security requirements and guidance that go beyond FedRAMP…”.

As such, the Cloud Computing (CC) Security Requirements Guide (SRG) outlines the security model by which DoD will leverage cloud computing, along with the security controls and requirements necessary for using cloud-based solutions. The CC SRG applies to DoD-provided cloud services and those provided by a contractor on behalf of the department, i.e., a commercial cloud service provider or integrator. With Arlington, we offer industry leading cloud security solutions for AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Salesforce, and more.

Arlington Security Portal

Get Access to 100 + NIST RMF security and privacy policies & procedures, programs, and plan templates.

How Arlington Can Help DoD Mission Owners Operating in Salesforce

Arlington offers the following advisory services for helping DoD mission owners operating within Salesforce in implementing all required Cloud Computing (CC) Security Requirements Guide (SRG) measures, FedRAMP reporting, and more:

Why Arlington?

Decades of Defense Industry Expertise. Recognized leaders in all things DoD. World-Class Arlington Security Portal (ASP).

Passion. Integrity. Innovation. Impact.