Our Goal
Assist a medium-sized (248 employees) defense contractor (client) based in the Midwest with developing a wide-range of DoD specific training solutions relating to information security, cybersecurity, data privacy, and more.
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Get Access to 100 + NIST RMF security and privacy policies & procedures, programs, and plan templates.
Challenges & Needs
The client had multiple DoD contracts in place, yet had not implemented many of the required training mandates per NIST RMF guidelines:
No Formalized Training Programs: The client had never taken the time to develop any formalized security awareness training programs, insider threat training, training relating to Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), vendor management training, and more.
Lack of Expertise in Program Development and Rollout: While the client understood the importance of such programs, they lacked the internal expertise for program development, execution, and monitoring.
Aggressive Timeframe for Implementation: Added pressure was coming from the DoD, who wanted all required training programs fully implemented within ninety (90) days.
Our Solution
Arlington successfully implemented the following strategies and solutions:
Successfully defined project scope, including roles and responsibilities for all internal personnel at the client.
Where applicable, identified third-party vendors who would be instrumental in helping achieve mandated DoD training requirements.
Worked with two (2) key external third-party vendors in helping design and implement three (3) highly customized security awareness training modules for ensuring full coverage of current and emerging information security, cybersecurity and data privacy threats.
Developed a fully customized insider threat program and supporting threat awareness program, along with a CUI program, complete with documented policies, procedures, and processes.
Challenges Solved
Designed, developed and successfully implemented all NIST RMF required training solutions relating to information security, cybersecurity, and data privacy.
Helped ensure the client would meet all training requirements when reporting on various DoD compliance mandates, specifically, DFARS NIST 800-171 and CMMC.
Value Created
Helped put in motion a corporate culture that now understands, respects, and truly values the concept of information security, cybersecurity, and data privacy.
Created an awareness for employees in terms of understanding the growing threat landscape that can affect their organization in a detrimental way.
Why Arlington?
We are Arlington, a team of innovative, solution-oriented, highly agile, and well-versed professionals with decades of experience in working with America’s defense industry. From emerging cybersecurity regulations to helping our clients solve complex security & compliance solutions – and so much more – you can trust Arlington, the firm that’s Dedicated to Defense®.
Arlington Security Portal
Get Access to 100 + NIST RMF security and privacy policies & procedures, programs, and plan templates.