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Awareness & Training Case Study

Our Goal

Assist a medium-sized (248 employees) defense contractor (client) based in the Midwest with developing a wide-range of DoD specific training solutions relating to information security, cybersecurity, data privacy, and more.

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Challenges & Needs

The client had multiple DoD contracts in place, yet had not implemented many of the required training mandates per NIST RMF guidelines:
  • No Formalized Training Programs: The client had never taken the time to develop any formalized security awareness training programs, insider threat training, training relating to Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), vendor management training, and more.
  • Lack of Expertise in Program Development and Rollout: While the client understood the importance of such programs, they lacked the internal expertise for program development, execution, and monitoring.
  • Aggressive Timeframe for Implementation: Added pressure was coming from the DoD, who wanted all required training programs fully implemented within ninety (90) days.

Our Solution

Arlington successfully implemented the following strategies and solutions:
  • Successfully defined project scope, including roles and responsibilities for all internal personnel at the client.
  • Where applicable, identified third-party vendors who would be instrumental in helping achieve mandated DoD training requirements.
  • Worked with two (2) key external third-party vendors in helping design and implement three (3) highly customized security awareness training modules for ensuring full coverage of current and emerging information security, cybersecurity and data privacy threats.
  • Developed a fully customized insider threat program and supporting threat awareness program, along with a CUI program, complete with documented policies, procedures, and processes.

Challenges Solved

  • Designed, developed and successfully implemented all NIST RMF required training solutions relating to information security, cybersecurity, and data privacy.
  • Helped ensure the client would meet all training requirements when reporting on various DoD compliance mandates, specifically, DFARS NIST 800-171 and CMMC.

Value Created

  • Helped put in motion a corporate culture that now understands, respects, and truly values the concept of information security, cybersecurity, and data privacy.
  • Created an awareness for employees in terms of understanding the growing threat landscape that can affect their organization in a detrimental way.

Why Arlington?

We are Arlington, a team of innovative, solution-oriented, highly agile, and well-versed professionals with decades of experience in working with America’s defense industry. From emerging cybersecurity regulations to helping our clients solve complex security & compliance solutions – and so much more – you can trust Arlington, the firm that’s Dedicated to Defense®. Sidebar

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Get Access to 100 + NIST RMF security and privacy policies & procedures, programs, and plan templates.

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