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The DoD Cybersecurity Policy Chart - An Illustration of the Tremendous Breadth of Policies and Regulations for Cybersecurity

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Want to know what’s going on in the world of cybersecurity with the Department of Defense (DoD). Just take a look at the massively detailed DoD Cybesecurity Chart at At first glance there is a lot - I mean a lot of information on almost any imaginable topic on cybersecurity for the DoD. The DoD’s official stance on their multi-colored, well-organized Cyber chart is “ to capture the tremendous breadth of applicable policies, some of which many cybersecurity professionals may not even be aware, in a helpful organizational scheme. The use of color, fonts and hyperlinks are all designed to provide additional assistance to cybersecurity professionals navigating their way through policy issues in order to defend their networks, systems and data.”

The chart categories information under “Organize, Enable, Anticipate, and Prepare”, then provides an exhaustive list of what they call “Authorities”. Finally, there’s an area called “National/Federal” also. To sum it up, this chart comes complete with essentially all of the DoD’s current rules, regulations, publications, initiatives - and more - relating to the broader topic of cybersecurity.

Sure, it may seem overwhelming at first, but we’ll admit, it’s a good read indeed.

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